I’ve since written a library to replace this script and add more functionality such as reading/writing both binary and ascii STL files. See the blog post here
After seeing Sukhbinder’s implementation of reading STL files with Numpy I thought it would be a nice thing to have a simple STL class to both read and write the binary files.
import struct
import numpy
class Stl(object):
dtype = numpy.dtype([
(‘normals’, numpy.float32, (3, )),
(‘v0’, numpy.float32, (3, )),
(‘v1’, numpy.float32, (3, )),
(‘v2’, numpy.float32, (3, )),
(‘attr’, ‘u2′, (1, )),
def __init__(self, header, data):
self.header = header
self.data = data
def from_file(cls, filename, mode=’rb’):
with open(filename, mode) as fh:
header = fh.read(80)
size, = struct.unpack(‘@i’, fh.read(4))
data = numpy.fromfile(fh, dtype=cls.dtype, count=size)
return Stl(header, data)
def to_file(self, filename, mode=’wb’):
with open(filename, mode) as fh:
fh.write(struct.pack(‘@i’, self.data.size))
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
# Read from STL file
stl = Stl.from_file(‘test.stl’)
# Increment the X axis by one
stl.data[‘v0’][:, 0] += 1
stl.data[‘v1’][:, 0] += 1
stl.data[‘v2’][:, 0] += 1
# Write back to file

Nice Rick!!! Makes the code more useful and thanks for putting it on pypi https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy-stl/1.1.2 Wow why didn’t i think of it… Cheers!!