Mastering Python

Mastering Python

Mastering Python
is finally out and available in your local book store.

If you are an experienced Python developer, this might be the book for you. It will teach you the useful new features in Python 3 (currently up to 3.5) and show you a lot of Python tricks that you may not have seen before. As a Python developer with many years of experience I can guarantee you that you will learn something new. Quite a few sections result from original research which currently cannot (believe me, I’ve tried) be found online.

Some of the more interesting subjects that are covered are asyncio and coroutines. Additionally, have you ever tried to apply the lambda calculus to Python?

Give it a try, here’s the Quicksort algorithm using the Y combinator:

You can get a sneak preview of the code samples through Github:

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About Rick van Hattem

Rick van Hattem is a Dutch Internet entrepreneur and co-founder of

3 Responses to “Mastering Python”

  1. Sithembewena | 2016-07-06 at 18:25:46 #

    I bought this book on PacktPub. I cannot wait to polish up on my favourite language (yes, I said I have a favourite :)).

    • Rick van Hattem | 2016-07-07 at 16:54:31 #

      Great to hear. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to send me an email. Or create a ticket on the Github 🙂

  2. akangiis | 2021-04-20 at 03:41:39 #

    web yang anda share sangatlah bermanfaat. bisa kah saya menshare web ini ?

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